The Media Communication Committee made a significant achievement in contributing to the success of the 25th SEA Games, Deputy Minister of Information and Culture Prof. Dr Bosengkham Vongdara said yesterday at a press conference at the Media Centre.
Dr Bosengkham, who is also Media Communication Committee Chairman for the 25th SEA Games, said “Information from reporters and the media contributed greatly to the success of the SEA Games. We made an admirable and significant contribution to the promotion of the event. Lao people living in the provinces and overseas and all those interested in the games received timely information. We saw people living in Vientiane respond and actively take part by attending events and showing their enthusiasm.” Dr Bosengkham said reporters and media organisations had benefited and raised their skill level through their coverage of the games. Reporters now knew how to better cover, send news and coordinate among themselves and other countries. The government has invested a large amount of money in the media to improve infrastructure, training and equipment.
“Feedback from the public suggests they think the media have done a good job, with presenters and reporters in the field giving good information,” Dr Bosengkham said.
The Media Communication Committee consists of five sub-committees, which all started preparing for the SEA Games in August 2008. They have promoted the event from December 2008 right up to the opening day of the SEA Games on December 9.
The committee and media organisations across the country created several special programmes for radio and television and published newspaper articles to deliver information to the public in a timely manner.
“All media organisations performed well in the important tasks the government assigned them,” Dr Bosengkham said.
More than 700 local journalists participated in covering various areas of news relating to the SEA Games.
“Reporters have been actively reporting news since before the start of the games until the opening ceremony,” Dr Bosengkham said.
Apart from this, 1,600 foreign journalists from Asean countries took part in the SEA Games, writing many articles about the event. People in Asean countries received information about the opening ceremony and every sporting event from journalists doing an important job in Laos .
The foreign news agencies took SEA Games news and produced TV programmes. They also booked a live broadcasting room. This allowed people living in Europe and the United States to watch the games.
Dr Bosengkham said Lao Channel 1, 3 and Lao Star broadcast their programmes to the world and in the Lao provinces. Local people and Lao people living overseas all enjoyed watching the games on these channels.
By Phon Thikeo
Photo: VTC